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Giving to Jason Powell Ministries

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Your donations to this ministry enable us to partner together to spread more life-enriching messages and music across the world. We want to reach as many people as possible with positive, God-filled content to help more people experience a more heavenly reality around the world.

We welcome gifts of any amount that you are inspired to donate, and your continued support helps us reach even more lives. We act out our mission by offering content for "raising the consciousness of humanity to the heavenly reality and revealing the Christ within, by manifesting heavenly music, teaching divine truth, and building healing communities of love and affirmation among diversity".

All donations are voluntary and your information is kept secure. Jason Powell Ministries is a limited liability company and therefore is not a tax-exempt organization.

THANK YOU for your generosity and commitment.

THANK YOU for believing in the work that WE are called to do TOGETHER!

We help spiritual seekers

• Realize their inner God-connection, with
Inclusive, life-enriching messages, and
• Inspiring gospel music, so that they can
• Overcome their challenges
, and
Manifest their ideal life!

With life-enriching messages &
great gospel music you'll love!

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