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5 Bible Verses About the Power of Words - Why Your Words Matter Every Day

November 9, 2023

Sometimes life can lead us to say words that we really don’t mean - words that we really don’t want to actually happen. Do you ever experience that?

In our world today, we’ve generally become so casual with the words that we let shoot out of our mouths that we don’t really put much weight behind the words we say. Most of the time, we don’t realize the significance of our own everyday words, much less the promises and commitments we make to self and others. 

It’s true that none of us are perfect at everything. However, gaining greater control of the direction of our words will help us to gain greater control of the direction of our lives.

For that reason, we can’t hear too often the importance and power of being watchful of the words we speak. Oftentimes, it is helpful to be reminded that the words we speak every day (to others, but especially to ourselves) are powerful and productive - they guide the direction in which our lives unfold. 

It's important to gain insight not only into the fact that your words matter, but WHY your words matter. So, let’s look at it from a spiritual perspective, including 5 Bible verses about the power of words. These are insightful and encouraging scriptures. 

As we look at these Bible verses about the power of words, these are some questions that may arise: How can we live lives of well-being and victory, from season to season? What do our words have to do with living victoriously? Are the words I casually or regularly say really that important? Is it really that deep? How often do my words matter? Every day?

Hidden within these 5 Bible verses about the power of words, you'll see why your words matter every day.

1. Proverbs 18:21

"Death and life are in the power of the tongue,
And those who love it will eat its fruit."

There IS an inherent ability in our words that leads to growth and expansion or decay and death. Energetically, “can-do” words provide a boost, while “can’t-do” words become a drain. Our lives follow the path of our most dominant thoughts and words

Daily being consistent with thoughts and words in a particular direction builds momentum toward manifestation. Whatever word-path we love (and give voice to the most) will tend to more likely yield and produce. Life and death IS in the power of the tongue. 

Events, scenes, scenarios and life situations are crafted by words. We know that our words are a projection of what we’re thinking, and what is in the deposit of our heart - whether joking or sincere. But, are we always mindful of who or what is shaping the words we carry? 

Who has access to your ear? That voice affects what you’re saying within yourself, to yourself. Whatever voice gets primarily mixed [predominantly assimilated] with our own inner talking, becomes the voice that determines our direction and destination. May the voice of Good, the Voice of God’s Spirit, take preeminence in our lives!   

2. Hebrews 11:3

"By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible."

The universe is responsive to the intention and energy that composes the invisible words of God. As beings made in the image and likeness of God, we also release creative power through our words! It is scientifically proven that even plants and nature respond to the intent and energy behind spoken words!

3. Hosea 14:2

“Take with you words, and turn to the Lord: say unto him, Take away all iniquity, and receive us graciously: so will we render the calves of our lips.”

Words of Faith (spoken consistently and repeatedly) shift your energy field! They have the ability to steer and redirect our awareness to God and the things of the Spirit. Heartfelt words of faith, lifted in praise or prayer, have the power to release us from the chains of bitterness and unforgiveness that try to latch on to our soul-energy. 

Speaking words of faith may be the fastest way to cancel negative thoughts and words!

4. Mark 11:23

"For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says."

These words of Jesus represent a major faith principle regarding the spoken word of faith. We’re not to remain spiritually mute when we encounter obstacles to our well-being. In Christ, we’ve been given an authority and a responsibility to speak back to obstacles. We’re called to speak forth our desired results as if they are already moving into demonstration - as if they are already realities in the unseen. But here’s the caveat: Whatever we speak, must be from the deposited abundance of our hearts, if our words are going to actually produce. Our task, then, is to fill our hearts with God’s words so that we have powerful words of faith to release when we need them!

5. Psalm 19:14

“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
Be acceptable in Your sight,
O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer."

Our words and hearts have to match, in order for them to be powerful and productive! God receives our words of faith when they’re congruent with the deposit of our heart. That’s when the strength of God (over a challenging situation) can redeem us into total well-being and blessing.

Words reveal the contents of our heart - whether positive, negative or neutral. The wisdom of Jesus expresses this truth in his statement, “Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.” (Luke 6:45) 

The great proverb declares: “Above all else, guard your heart, for out of it flow the issues of life.” (Proverbs 4:23) Guarding in this context has a similar connotation to gardening! We are to garden our hearts and tend to them - being sure that what is deposited in our hearts leads to the fruit that we desire to bring forth. Simultaneously, we are to remain watchful that weeds and parasites don’t gain any territorial advantage in our gardens. 

So then, the work that we do on ourselves requires continual maintenance in order for our lives to blossom and thrive. 

May we be reminded why our words matter every day & declare words of faith daily.


I am a determining presence in the earth!
What happens in the earth has something to do with what I do and who I am in the earth!
I am a determining influence in the earth and my words have power! 

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