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Be Still & Know: A Path to Spiritual Awakening

March 20, 2021

Here we are - in the process of life - ebbing and flowing between change and consistency.

You may have heard this before, "Nothing stays the same; everything must change." I mean, think about it: our bodies age, our perspectives evolve, our social circles shift, etc. How do you manage change?

Yet, knowing that God/Spirit is our Source and our constant help through life is a comforting (and empowering) thought.

In a moment of meditation, centering, prayer, and redirected awareness in the present, there is a reconnection with an inner knowing of your oneness with All-That-Is.

"Be still and know that I AM God" (Psalm 46:10)

Be still. Breathe deeply - in and out.

Be still and know. Come to that momentary awareness of the Presence of God, of Good, pulsating in and through your life.

Be Still and know that God Is. Know that you are in God and God is in you - the very essence of your life. It is "Christ in you, the hope of glory." (Colossians 1:27)

You are now brought into the eternal body of God - transcending your flesh and blood, and involving your soul and spirit, reviving you entirely.

It's the Presence of God, of Good, surrounding you and upholding you. Sit with that thought for a moment. Let it fill your space.

As surely as it fills your mind and pours into your heart, there is an awakening, a spiritual awakening (with limitless levels of revelation) that causes us to know more and more that God Is. This knowing leads to a place of trust, as we travel this earth-journey. It may be that the story of our soul's journey reflects the words of the psalmist:

"Those who trust in the LORD

Are like Mount Zion,

Which cannot be moved, but abides forever."

(Psalm 125:1 NKJV)

In this space, even if for a moment, our hearts and minds are transported to a place of heavenly bliss, independent of world conditions. Here, we can join with the heart of what songwriters Becky and Geron Davis expressed: "In the Presence of Jehovah".

As the song beautifully transmits,

"In the presence of Jehovah,

God Almighty, Prince of Peace

Troubles vanish, hearts are mended,

In the presence of the King."

An awareness of the Presence of God, of Good, in and through our lives, is a beautiful way to live. Let's practice it.

Be Still and know.


~Jason Powell

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