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Co-Creating with God!

June 18, 2020

"So I went down to the potter's house, and there he was working at his wheel. And the vessel he was making of clay was spoiled in the potter's hand, and he reworked it into another vessel, as it seemed good to the potter to do" (Jeremiah 18:3-4 RSV).

Have you ever been working on something, and then with one wrong move, that which you were trying to build or attain, gets ruined?

I think we all face setbacks or failures in reaching an intended goal, at various stages in our lives - spiritually, mentally, professionally, socially, financially, etc.

But, this passage gives us hope! It reminds us to "rework" the fragments of our lives "into another vessel".

The root meaning of "Potter", based on the original Hebrew word used in this passage, is dealing directly with that which forms, fashions or frames one's world. It is related to a plan or a divine purpose of a situation, and involves human and/or divine activity in the unseen realm.

You've heard it said in songs of old:

"Lord, you are the potter
I am the clay;
Mold me and make me
Lord, have thine own way

Yet, we are admonished to "be imitators of God, as dear children" (Ephesians 5:1), since we are "made in the image and likeness of God" (Genesis 1:26).

So, we are also the potters of our own experience, co-creating with God! If it doesn't turn out the way you hoped, understand that you can go back to the potter's wheel and rework your clay into a new creation. Keep working it until you've worked it into what you want it to be!

The plans and purposes that God has for us are deposited deep in our hearts, our subconscious depths. What we go through in life, however, has a way of shaping our beliefs regarding the treasure we contain, either actualizing its glories or burying its splendor.

Engaging life on the basis of the inner light of truth, as opposed to the fluctuating flow of circumstance, enables us to become effective potters at the inner wheel of life, molding and shaping our thoughts and beliefs on the basis of inner truth and ideals.

Whenever the inner environment is shaped by our external challenges (which may negatively affect our belief about self, others or God), the clay formation of the good we hope to work out into our external affairs may be spoiled and bent out of shape. However, we have the ability to reconfigure, reignite the light of the ideal of truth that lives within, and mold upon the model of our own thoughts, feelings and beliefs (our states of consciousness) that which we desire to bring forth - thereby "reworking it into another vessel".

We are always at the potter's wheel, shaping and forming opinions and reactions to the substance of life around us. Our own judgments, positive or negative, are being worked into the design of the clay we're presently molding.

In reshaping the clay-substance of one's life-experience, we are NOT talking about controlling other people. This is more about controlling or wisely directing our OWN thoughts, beliefs and feeling-emotions that we send out, and the meaning we give to events, which invariably forms the blueprint for what we draw into our experience.

Keep doing the inner work, holding no one in the bondage of blame on the external. This releases you to reshape the clay of your thought-image and clothe it with new feeling that more accurately matches what you'd like to manifest.

If the clay-formation spoils in your hand, while you're at the potter's wheel, don't be forever discouraged, just REWORK IT into another vessel!

What areas of your life can you rework into something new and more beautiful than before?

Join me in this...

Prayer of Affirmation:

"God-in-me now shows me the path forward! I am now realizing that there is hope; and hope arises within me as I gain the insight for new beauty and new life! Now, Spirit of Life, rework something beautiful, through me, today! In the Name and Nature of the Living Christ-reality, Amen!"

~Jason Powell

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