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Desiring Right-Consciousness

May 7, 2020

"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled" (Matthew 5:6).

The beatitudes of Matthew 5 may be viewed as certain attitudes to adopt in order to more fully live into the realm of God's wholeness, for self and others. In this beatitude, one of Jesus' most famous recorded lectures, we see an insight into a way of being that procures God's blessing.

It begins with the word, "blessed", which simply means empowered to prosper and enabled to do well! God wants us all to do well in life and these divine words serve as guide posts along this path of wellness and wholeness.

There is much in the world around us to drain our hope and happiness. That is why it is important to build our inner selves upon the Rock of God's blessing.

Hungering and thirsting in this context may be likened unto spiritual desire - a longing for that which satisfies and sustains.

We all have various desires, but at the root of desire is a longing for wholeness, completeness, beauty and total well-being.

Desire, then, is a spiritual siphon that draws to itself the essence of its nature.

I find that we are not always in tune with the essence of our desires. Oftentimes, we are more conscious of the lack of what we desire than we are of its fulfillment!

Utilizing an esoteric/inner application of this passage, we see that righteousness is less about an outer code of conduct and more about the inner configuration of our own consciousness.

Yes, the way we conduct ourselves in the world around us is important, particularly for the social health of our society. However, our outer conduct is simply an outgrowth from our rooted states of consciousness.

When we are desiring righteousness, or right-consciousness, we are becoming more conscious of the fulfillment of desire through the agency of the Spirit's help in our lives! We begin to merge with Godself more and more as the Source and Substance of our entire state of being.

By desiring the agency and aid of Spirit, we open ourselves to the infilling of hope and fuel to live in peace, joy, and victory over life's troubles.

If we can plant our states of consciousness in the Word of God, the activity of Spirit and the environment of Heaven, then we can produce more experiences that reflect the heavenly realm. That's the purpose for imbibing these beatitudes.

The pathway for realizing more of God's activity in our lives, begins with desiring greater intimacy with the Holy Spirit. And who is the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Wholeness that enraptures us in a feeling of sufficiency, total well-being and connectedness to Divine Presence.

The Holy Spirit is the same Spirit of Wisdom that established the foundations of the world.

"The Lord by wisdom founded the earth; by understanding he established the heavens" (Proverbs 3:19).

It's the same Spirit that operated in and through Jesus and it's the Promised Comforter that he would send upon his disciples and those who believed in him.

"But the Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor-Counselor, Strengthener, Standby), the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name [in My place, to represent Me and act on My behalf], He will teach you all things. And He will help you remember everything that I have told you" (John 14:26 AMP).

When we begin to truly desire the activity of the Spirit in our lives, it animates every part of our existence. We begin to see the fulfillment of a revitalized life filled with purpose and passion, and we are able to be a blessing to others.

Let this be your Prayer of Affirmation today:

Desire is now stirred within me to merge with the activity of the Spirit in my life. I now see myself drawing closer to my Source and I am operating in harmony with the agency of God's Spirit with me, in me and through me. Thank you for this realization! Thank you for filling my consciousness with the reality of divine presence at work in my life, procuring blessing after blessing!


~Jason Powell

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