Just like a seed carries inside of it the invisible instructions to reproduce after its kind, you carry a divinely defined purpose in the core of your being.
Our individual purpose for living is in line with God's mass purpose for humankind. In reality, discovering our life’s purpose(s) can be one of the easiest discoveries, but sometimes we make it so difficult. Discovering our life's purpose becomes especially difficult when we are searching everywhere but within for an answer.
Jesus said,
"I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows)" (John 10:10 AMP).
If you don't know why you're here, the first thing you must know is, YOU ARE HERE TO ENJOY!
You may ask, "What if the conditions of my life are unpleasant and unenjoyable? How can you tell me to enjoy my life when everything about my life is a living hell?"
Joy comes from our inner treasure, with or without external aid.
There's an aspect of you that external circumstances cannot touch. It's divinity residing in you; or as the Apostle Paul would say,
“Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Colossians 1:27).
Christ has come to live in you so that you can fulfill the purpose of ENJOYING life in an abundant fashion!
You don't have to go around wondering what to do or why you're here. If you have not pinpointed a specific vocation or field of study, then simply walk in your purpose by firstly ENJOYING your existence! Imagine that: "I'M HERE TO ENJOY!"
You'll be attracted to your life's work from that inner state of joy. God gave us life so we could ENJOY IT! BE FILLED WITH THE JOY OF LIVING! You honor your creator by ENJOYING God’s creation. Enjoy the simple things: the wriggling of your toe, the processing of your mind, the rain that descends, the sun that shines, the moon that glows, the breeze that blows, etc.
You will discover that your joy CAN be independent from your natural circumstances. Your environmental conditions do NOT HAVE to determine your happiness. You are not bound to misery within simply because you see misery without.
You can be up in a down world. You can even transform your down world into an up world. All of this is possible because you know who you are in God and who God is in you.
As you embrace the joy of living, you will be led to your assignment. You can then make a decision to devote your energies to producing towards some specific end. Decide the core product of your life! This decision is NOT left up to some god in the sky. I believe it is true that God Almighty, the One Great Spirit that indwells all, has divinely intended certain possible paths for our Unlimited Good. However, it's our choice and responsibility to walk in those paths. Decide the main avenue in which you will contribute good to the world in some way. Once you decide on a particular area that your energies will be given towards as your life's work, in whatever season you find yourself, still find a way to ENJOY simply being alive!
Remember, we are here to enjoy!
~Jason Powell
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