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From the Inside Out

February 19, 2021

If you've ever seen the computer-animated movie "Inside Out" which came out in 2015, then you know that it tells the story of a young girl named Riley who moves to a new town and struggles with this drastic geographical change. The various personalities in her own brain try to make sense of everything going on, forming significant meanings for various experiences (past and present) and shaping her overall sense of self.

In the beginning, the personality of Joy is at the helm of the control board in Riley's brain and Joy seems to be in charge (managing the personalities of Fear, Sadness, Anger, and Disgust, keeping them in their limited areas of domain). When any of these personalities take command of the control board in Riley's brain, they steer her actions, reactions, responses and feelings in her daily life. I particularly liked when Joy took Sadness by the hand, drew a little circle on the ground, and told Sadness to stay in that circle for the day. I think this is a profound picture of what happens in our lives and how we consciously or unconsciously conduct ourselves in the interior world.

Fear and worry often disguise themselves by seeking to protect us from the unknown and keeping us safe - it's called self-preservation. Self-preservation is a very important function of our minds, yet sometimes it over-steps its bounds, or should I say, restricts us within its bounds.

This protective fear is often seen in parents regarding their little children. We raise them assuming the responsibility to protect them from the dangers of the world. But, as they get older, our need to protect them lessens, and they must be allowed to mature into full adulthood, making their own choices without our interference and leaving their own legacy in the world. Some parents (but not all) struggle with changing from parenting minors to parenting adults, and we know there is [and should be] a stark difference.

I think it is a similar function with our self-preservation mechanism that operates in our minds; it utilizes a bit of protective-fear to guard and guide our decision making. But, if it goes beyond its boundary,  it can be very restrictive and imprisoning in its effects.

"There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear, because fear expects punishment. The person who is afraid has not been made perfect in love. We love because God first loved us." (1 John 4:18-19 Common English Bible)

Fear is a common emotion, which carries worry and torment with it, along with a host of the negative personality characters that were in Riley's brain (and which occupy ours as well). But, believing in the LOVE that exists in your relationship and interaction with Spirit (God) that surrounds you and supports you, is an aid in dissolving fear and worry.

Turning our awareness upon our invisible support system of the Spirit of God is one of the most powerful ways to actively, presently dissolve fear and worry. Praising our Source, praying in faith, reading or hearing testimonies (present or past), digesting Words of Faith and victory and speaking them back to yourself (perhaps faith-filled statements lifted from Scripture, or even positive affirmations that help to direct your own thought and feeling nature) are all ways to help dissolve fear and worry, and replace it with the faith and joy of the Spirit. This is how our lives may produce God's goodness, from the inside-out.

~Jason Powell

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