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Generous Spirituality

December 3, 2020

Gratitude and generosity go hand in hand, as Rev. Jeff Miner recently taught. This generosity applies to our time, talent and treasure that we share with self and others. As we share in all of these areas, we are replenished!

“The liberal person shall be enriched, and he who waters shall himself be watered.”  (Proverbs 11:25 - Amplified Bible, Classic Edition)

This is a quintessential example of the spiritual principle of sowing and reaping.

Everything we deeply think, say and do (regarding self or others) is a seed. Those seeds produce harvests in our future. Therefore, we should deliberately sow good seeds.

Our seeds are productive on multiple levels - including thoughts, chronic thoughts that become beliefs, words (audible and inaudible), and actions (both imaginal and physical).

It’s important for us to remember that our lives are the products of seeds that have been sown - either our own and/or someone else’s. As we mature into intentional manifesters, (demonstrating the Life of God, of Good in the world) we are more deliberate about sowing seeds that directly relate to the harvests we desire to bring forth into reality. Harvests are whatever we desire to be, do or have, coming into fruition (especially as it relates to God’s desires for us, which become our own).

When our desires are in alignment with the divine intentions of Spirit that are stirring in our hearts and on our behalf, then our desires are especially charged with the Blessing of Spirit as we walk out the journey of their fulfillment. We will attract various experiences and invest ourselves in various pursuits that will draw out the development of the divine desires that have been placed within us.

The opportunities to share our time, talent and treasure will present themselves. The opportunities to incubate thoughts and beliefs that are positive and beneficial will also present themselves. We need the help of the Spirit to give us the grace to sow good seeds, so that we can reap good harvests.


“Loving Spirit of God, in this season of Thanksgiving, give me the grace to be lovingly generous with myself and others. Amen!”

~Jason Powell

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