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Go For It!

January 29, 2021

Is there a perfect time to live your truth, to launch your business, to have a child, to adopt a pet? Is there a perfect time to pursue your goals, or live the life that moves in the direction of your desires and dreams? There could be more opportune times over others, but will there ever be a perfect time to go for it?

This particular passage from the Wisdom texts in the Bible speaks to this issue:

“Whoever observes the wind will not sow; and whoever regards the clouds will not reap.” (Ecclesiastes 11:4 NRSV)

I particularly like the Amplified Bible for this verse:

“He who observes the wind [and waits for all conditions to be favorable] will not sow, and he who regards the clouds will not reap.” (Ecclesiastes 11:4 AMP)

This verse speaks to me: If you’re looking to the wind, waiting for it to be perfectly still and for all factors to be ideal before moving in the direction of your desires, then you may not ever get to where you want in life. Or if you’re overly concerned about the external conditions regarding your life-situations, then you may not ever take a chance, put in the sickle, and reap your harvest of fulfillment. For example, how many people save the china for a meal in the distant future, only to expire (die) before using it?

We’re confronted with questions like: Am I ready? What if it doesn’t work? What about the risk involved? But, isn’t there some element of risk in practically everything we do?

Remember, if you always wait for all conditions to be 100% favorable before taking action, then you’ll miss out in life and won’t do anything you’ve aspired toward.

Yes, there is “a time for every purpose under heaven”, as this same wisdom book mentions. Yet, verse 11 of chapter 4 challenges us with operating beyond the perceived safe space of our comfort zone - that is, if we are going to sow and reap in ways that take us beyond what we have yet to experience.

The comfort zone is fine, if you’re satisfied with the contents therein. But, if your life (or sustenance) demands you planting your seed in the midst of unfavorable conditions, so that you can have a harvest of wheat for mere survival, you’ll sow beyond your comfort zone! Likewise, our God-given dreams and visions demand our planting and tending in order to live and thrive. If it’s worth living for, and it’s beyond what you’ve currently experienced, then it’s worth pressing beyond your comfort zone to plant it, and eventually harvest the new joys of fulfilled desires.

For example: Are you tempted to be jaded by former relationships that didn’t work out and therefore consider giving up on the dream of companionship? If there’s an ounce of hope within you, then know that the harvest often lies outside of our comfort zone. For someone, the decision to open their heart again, with newfound wisdom, may be the seed  that is sown which takes them outside of their comfort zone and attracts their harvest of companionship.

These words prophetically sum up this matter quite well:

"If one advances confidently in the direction of [one’s] dreams, and endeavors to live the life which [they have] imagined, [they] will meet with a success unexpected in common hours."

~Henry David Thoreau

The next time you’re grappling with whether you should go for it, or not, remember that you have one time in this physical body in which to live life. There is still an adventure and the ride of a lifetime ahead.

“The one who observes the wind [and waits for all conditions to be favorable] will not sow, and the one who regards the clouds will not reap.”

Go for it!

~Jason Powell

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