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Happy New YOU!

December 31, 2020

A New Year does not automatically bring about a new YOU, but it does offer us the opportunity to once again sow the seeds that will produce the harvest we’d like to reap.

No farmer goes out into the field to plant or sow seeds into the ground without expecting a harvest. Likewise, the input we provide in life (utilizing our skills, passions, ideas, solutions, etc.) has an accompanying output. We don’t always get the outcome we’re after, but as the old saying goes, “nothing beats a failure but a try”. Thankfully, in life, we have the opportunity to try and try again. If our minds and emotions are managed well and kept healthy, there’s no limit to the good we can contribute to the world around us. 

Yet, without a substantial change in our own awareness of self, life and others, we remain as we are, re-creating aspects of our past into the future. Spiritual practices (like prayer, worship, journaling, serving others, etc.) have the ability to shift our awareness. 

Christian mystic, Neville Goddard, said it like this: 

“Everything depends on your attitude towards yourself. That which you will not affirm as true of yourself can never be realized by you, for that attitude alone is the necessary condition by which you realize your goal.” 

As brash as it may have appeared to some, Muhammad Ali often declared “I am the greatest!” It’s what he passionately desired in his field of endeavor; he put in the work and he believed it. In his time, he became the leading heavyweight boxer of the twentieth century. 

As off-putting as it may have been to the leaders of his era, Jesus made statements like, “I am the way, the truth and the life. I am the true Vine. I am the Door. I and the Father are One.” They couldn’t understand how he had the gall to equate Himself with God and to affirm that he was the answer for the world’s problems. 

As Robert Collier mentioned in his book - The Secret of The Ages - Thoughts are the causes. Conditions are merely effects. We can mold ourselves and our surroundings by resolutely directing our thoughts toward the goal we have in mind. Collier went on to say, “Whatever type of thought you entertain, whatever wavelength you tune in on, that is the pattern your Vital Force will take, for good or bad. So be sure to exhale all the thoughts of fear and worry and disease and lack that have been troubling you, be sure to tune them OUT on your mental radio and inhale and entertain only those you want to see realized.

The Apostle Paul says it this way: 

“Beloved, I do not consider that I have made it my own; but this one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the heavenly call of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:13-14 NRSV).

Another translation words it in this manner:

“Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:13-14 NKJV).

Finally, as Rev. Jeff Miner said in his last sermon of 2020 - “Go For It!”

As we enter a New Year, set yourself for a new and improved self, as God is always doing a progressive work through us. 

Happy New Year & Happy New YOU!

~Jason Powell

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