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Hope Remains: Freedom Beyond Systems of Oppression

December 11, 2020

One of the main ways our lives are carried forward is by HOPE.

Because of hope, my forebears gained the courage to press forward valiantly under the scourge of oppressive systems like Jim Crow laws and vigilante terrorism (post-slavery) - systems that sought to keep them economically and socially subjugated because of their race. But, their HOPE was rooted in a theology of God and life that suggested that God was on the side of the oppressed, as prominent theologian James Cone authored in “God of the Oppressed”. Through the lens of hope, they believed that God was the force throughout their efforts to actively advance their release from the oppressor, as is comparatively seen in biblical stories like Moses and the great Exodus from Egypt.

Without hope, there would have been no societal change. Without hope, there would have been no resistance to the status quo. Without hope, there would have been no power for a minority group to gain active coordination with allies which could change the entire social framework that this nation was founded upon - namely, slave labor at the base of the national wealth and power of the world’s greatest national GDP (gross domestic product).

Closely linked to this mushrooming American GDP, was the fact that the slave labor wasn’t like most models of other nations; other popular models of slave labor in other countries existed for a predetermined period of time, did not necessarily impact future generations, and allowed the slave to retain their full human identity. This American slavery was a far more egregious kind of slavery that is more accurately termed chattel slavery; it reduced the slave to less than full humanity, and ensured that their slavery would endure for the entirety of their mortal lives, and that of their offspring, with no hope or sight of possible redemption.

Such a system of oppression served to safeguard capital gains and was supported by immense terror and brutality. Without hope, no category of people could survive such a condition. This oppression would completely annihilate and obliterate a people devoid of hope!

Similarly, Jesus came to the earth to subvert a spiritual system composed of curses, death, calamity, eternal destruction and damnation, because of the HOPE of ultimate reconciliation for all humankind with Godself. The hope of forever thwarting the plans of evil and securing eternal well-being for all, by offering his life and ministry to the world, was the motivating factor behind Jesus’ Advent, or the decision to come to earth and offer himself as a ransom, once and for all, for the world’s redemption from the curse and forces of Hell.

Whether you believe in a literal Hell or a symbolic hell, it can clearly be seen that hellish realities exist.

And yet, the HOPE REMAINS for heavenly realities to overtake the hellish ones.

Jesus told his followers,

“Now when these things begin to take place, stand up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near” (Luke 21:28).

That is hope.

Knowing these truths, gives us hope today. In Christ, we have an eternal hope that impacts every facet of our human experience - the natural and the spiritual, the social, physical and mental. Knowing that, and receiving these truths into our hearts, we eagerly open ourselves to the present-working of Christ’s Advent in our hearts, homes and lives, here and now. That’s why we can continue and wait earnestly for the tide to turn and for redemption (in whatever area it’s needed) to draw near.

Change CAN happen. There IS Hope.

~Jason Powell

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