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Let It All Work For My Good!

June 4, 2020

How do we position ourselves to walk in the light of God's favor and blessing, especially during tumultuous times?

One crucial way we do that is by positioning ourselves in the love of God and faithfully walking out the fulfillment of our divine purpose!

A popular passage from the Bible declares, "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to God's purpose" (Romans 8:28). This doesn't mean that an external God somewhere is causing bad things to happen to us; but it does mean that the immanent and transcendent God can USE the good and the bad, and cause it to work out to our advantage, when we are functioning in divine love and divine purpose.

Love is a matter of the heart, and so is purpose. Heart matters can be challenging to navigate, but, when you keep your heart right, then things will work out for you, in your favor. But, if you slide into bitterness, hate or guilt, and remain there perpetually, then you call forth the decaying results of such states.

Those negative reactions and feelings may initially come; but remind yourself to bounce back out of it and don't feed the fire. You are a powerful, creative ball of energy and if that energy is directed negatively, the results can be disastrous.

We find these words in Job 22:28 (Amplified) - "You shall also decide and decree a thing, and it shall be established for you; and the light [of God’s favor] shall shine upon your ways". This statement applies to the one who is in right standing with God and Self, as the surrounding text reveals.

We have the power to redirect our words and ponderings on that which is life-giving. This is our responsibility as maturing, spiritual beings and this is our power of "decree".  It is one of the major ways that we birth wellness into our own lives and into the society around us.

Our prayer and declaration, irrespective of what others may or may not do, is: "Create in ME a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me!" (See Psalm 51:10.) This is where it starts and how it works its way out into positive action.

From this posture, our presence in the world blossoms into great beauty and things have a marvelous way of ultimately working out for good.

Prayer of Affirmation:

"I accept that there is purpose for my life! And I am now being guided into the divine purpose that is set before me at this time! I open myself to the love of God and let it fill my heart and mind with good intentions and goodwill toward others. I issue forth the decree that my life shall be a light in the world, and that I will be an agent of wholeness and wellness in my immediate environment.  Anything that may come along to try and take me off course, I use as a reminder to realign with my purpose, to walk in love, and to be a blessing to the world around me. Let it all work for my good! Thank you for your help, Spirit of God-in-me! Amen!"

~Jason Powell

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