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My Heart Is Fixed

April 2, 2020

The times in which we are living are volatile and unsettling for many. When health scares are running rampant and world economies are experiencing downturns, we must recognize our ability to transcend the madness and go within to our Inner Source.

God has designed our spiritual faculties for transcendence. Yet, our ordinary modes of operation cause us to rarely utilize these faculties; instead, we most often give great attention to what is occurring in the external world around us. But, moments of crisis oftentimes push us to run to our Spiritual Source, or otherwise go mad from the pandemonium in the world around us.

Psalm 112 gives us a model for being anchored in moments like these, as opposed to drifting on the tides of the latest craze. I encourage you to meditate on the whole chapter, but it begins by reminding us that, "Blessed is the one who fears the Lord, who delights greatly in God's commandments." Utilizing an esoteric paraphrasing of this verse, it is a concise way of saying the following: You are empowered to prosper in mind, body and affairs when you reverence and honor the realm of Spirit and the Laws of Mind as the highest authority, over and above the natural/world conditions around you.

When we place greater value on our Spiritual Source, knowing that our connectedness to God within is the higher reality, we will be able to navigate the trying times and come out victorious.

Verse 12 gives us the key: "He shall not be afraid of evil tidings: his heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord." The one whose heart, or deeper mind, is fixed in a state of sufficiency and total well-being, irrespective of what's going around, will be stable and steady! This person will give and disperse, and not hoard (Psalm 112:9). They will dwell in security and will not be shaken, even as their righteousness, or right-consciousness, anchors them in the ever-abiding presence of God, Unlimited Good (Psalm 112:6).

Jesus said, "In the world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world" (John 16:33). From this we know that tough times come, but those trying times do not have to rule our state of being! The spiritual response that leads to overcoming and ultimate victory is (1) trusting in the Lord, (2) appraising the spiritual realm as the higher reality, and (3) keeping our hope and our cheer in tact as a result of knowing our spiritual identity and placement.

I encourage you to declare throughout the times ahead: "My heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord!" And everytime you want to veer off into worry or fear, steer back into the lane of, "My heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord, and I have overcome the world!"

~Jason Powell

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