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Oneness with the Christ-Mind

April 16, 2020

"I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing" (John 15:5).

In this passage, Jesus provides great imagery to aid our understanding of the spiritual dimension and our connection to the realm of wholeness.

Our strength and sustenance are derived from a place beyond our own finite, intellectual selves. As branches, the stream of our life-force is in our connection to the Vine, and the Vine is the Christ-Mind.

"Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 2:5).

The activity of realizing our connection with the Vine (the Christ-Mind) can be seen in the function of meditation and prayer. In meditation, we oftentimes focus on the breath, and may recite silently, "I Am" (the Name of God as revealed in Scripture), in tandem with the flow of the breath. In a little while, we may experience the momentary sense of releasing our attachments to the world and realizing the eternal reality of Spirit that knows no limitation.

In this space, resistance falls and there is an allowing that takes place where we let in light that was once blocked through sense-fixation on the world around us. These momentary allowances of Spirit-light into our awareness have a way of releasing us from the cares of the world and causing our inner selves to merge with the Spirit of God.

When we get hooked up to our Spiritual Source, realizing our oneness with the Christ-Mind, we can allow peace to pour in and anxiousness to pour out.

In this realization, we then begin to align with the virtues of Christ, consciously claiming them and taking them into ourselves, as viable branches connected to the Vine. We may consciously align ourselves with wholeness, wellness, healing, peace, love and abundance - knowing that all of these are the attributes of the Divine, flowing through us, as branches, by virtue of our connection with the Vine.

We remain in this state until we feel the subtle thrill of that connection and then our prayer and meditation concludes.  Yet, in that spiritual act, we have begun to make real our connection with the Vine, the Christ-Mind.

Our lives are meant to produce fruit. The purpose of lives being hooked up to the Vine is so that we can produce the fruit of the Spirit and the accompanying experiences that may be associated with the fruit.

Remember, "the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control" (Galatians 5:22-23).

Not only can we allow these virtues to surge through our soul-energy, thereby raising our vibes and sense of well-being, but we can also begin to manifest experiences that line up more closely with the environment of love, joy, peace and all of the fruit of the Spirit.

This is the importance of abiding in the Vine, or realizing our connection to the Christ-Mind.

It is my prayer that we would produce fruit in our lives, fruit that is not only beneficial to self, but ends up impacting those we may come into contact with.  As branches connected to Christ, may it be said that our lives produced leaves and fruit that brought healing and wholeness to the world, even as "the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations" (Revelation 22:2).

Abide in the vine. Get hooked up to the Source.

In fact, I encourage you to affirm today, "I am one with the unlimited Goodness of God. God's peace and well-being surge through my mind and I allow myself to release all worry. I am made one with the Chrsit-Mind and all of my affairs now begin to move into harmony with the Peace of God presently at work within me! Not only do I begin to realize that I am blessed, but I am becoming a blessing to somebody else. Thank you and it is so!"

~Jason Powell

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