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Panic or Power? Make Your Choice!

May 21, 2020

"For thus said the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel: In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and in trust shall be your strength. But you refused" (Isaiah 30:15 NRSV)

We manifest from within. But so often, many struggle with that concept.

Have you ever felt out of control and panic-ridden? Panic is a natural response to life situations when we feel out of control. However, leaning into panic and pandemonium only magnify a lack of control and cause viable, potential solutions to run into hiding.

Another translation says, “In quietness and confidence shall be your strength.” (Isaiah 30:15 NKJV)

A crucial truth for us to subjectify is that we manifest into the outer experience of life some aspect of the inner configuration of our own consciousness.  Likewise, the shifting of some aspect of our own consciousness has ways of reconfiguring the experiences of life!

That is why this passage is a heartfelt lure from the Divine to draw us into a place of reclaiming our power in consciousness, by cultivating quietness, trust and confidence in the inner realm of Spirit.

"In quietness and in CONFIDENCE shall be your strength!"

As I write these words, I am confronted with a situation filled with hysteria. My immediate response has been to pause, go within to my inner anchoring, and access my quietude and spiritual confidence. From that place I am able to try and help others to gain control of themselves so that they can attempt to reclaim their power, reframe the situation, and hopefully make wise decisions.

We can't be any good to anyone else if we're not first good to ourselves. We cannot pour from an empty cup. So, therefore, if I am going to be of any use or value to someone else, I must first be of useful value to myself!

Overindulging in panic and fear is not being good to yourself. It's costly to your mental, emotional and physical health. Yes, we all can experience these states at one time or another, but reminding yourself to gently redirect the energy to "quietness, confidence and trust" will build your strength and smoothen the journey ahead.

Practice quietness and confidence as a response to life's challenges.  It situates you in a place of peace and poise, a calmness in the midst of the storm.

We have a Power-Source within, and we access our own Power-Source when we intentionally engage our quietness and trust in the Spirit of God that permeates the essence of our existence!

When you encounter situations that are carrying heavy states of panic, one must remember to maintain their own equilibrium,  spiritually and mentally. Otherwise, the anxieties of the moment drain your ability to remain in control of self. And that is the ultimate control that we have in this life, control over self. We cannot control how others behave or react, nor can we always control the events and experiences we encounter; however, we can control how we respond and the frame of mind in which we approach the situation.

Fear of death is real. It seems to have a stronghold on many, even those who have a spiritual devotional life. But, one potent glimpse into the reality of your spiritual identity can cause the fear of death to flee.

Yes, we all have a time to go; a time to discard these bodies. But, with an awareness of the Christ-Consciousness working in you and through you, the sting of death is swallowed up in victory. (See Hebrews 2:14-15 and 1 Corinthians 15:54-57.)

We are eternal beings and we're forever passing through states. Neville would say, "You are an eternal dreamer dreaming non-eternal dreams."

If everyone is freaking out around you, what is your response? It doesn't have to mirror what's going on around you. Remember, "in quietness and in [confident trust] shall be your strength".

What's in your spirit is greater than what's around you! Don't refuse it.

Be quiet. Be confident.  Be strong.


~Jason Powell

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