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Planted By Rivers of Water

September 24, 2020

1 Blessed are those
Who walk not in the counsel of the ungodly,
Nor stand in the path of sinners,
Nor sit in the seat of the scornful;
2 But their delight is in the law of the Lord,
And in God's law they meditate day and night.
3 They shall be like trees
Planted by the rivers of water,
Which bring forth fruit in their season,
Whose leaves also shall not wither;
And whatever they do shall prosper.

(Psalm 1:1-3)

A river of water is a life-force. The early ancient human civilizations, like Mesopotamia, Egypt, India and China, all grew near rivers of water. Rivers provided a means of sustenance, food, irrigation, commerce, sanitation, among many other benefits.

Psalm 1 shows us that we are to be like trees planted by rivers of water, drawing our nutrition and sustenance for living from the Spirit.

*Verse 1 reminds us to take our attention away from what the world-mind is saying and doing, with all of its volatility and fear reports.

*Verse 2 directs our attention to delighting in God and the cardinal law of Love that Jesus outlined on Matthew 22:37-40.

*Verse 3 is where we find our sustenance for living. As humans, we receive our spiritual sustenance from the waters of God's Spirit flowing into our spirits.


Jesus gave us an insight into what this spiritual water-experience could be like for his followers, when he said,

"'The one who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of their heart will flow rivers of living water'. But this He spoke concerning the Spirit..."
(John 7:38-39)

Viewing these scriptures together offer us an insight into God's present-moment potential impact in our lives.

When our roots (souls, subconscious depths), are drinking from the waters of The Holy Spirit,  grounded in Words of Life and connected to our God-center, then our lives can flourish, independent of world conditions.

When our Source is Spirit, then we can manifest good that comes from a different realm, into the natural realm. It's about manifesting from Spirit to the natural. And it has everything to do with where we're planted!

Where are you planted?

Let's remind ourselves today to...

1. Get rooted in God. (That means we're planted/grounded by rivers of water. We should get consciously connected to God who is the Spirit Essence from which we proceed; Jehovah - the Great I AM; the Infinite Creativeness of All-That-Is; Our Spiritual Source of Love and Wholeness.)

2. Drink from the Spirit (Repeatedly draw in Divine nutrients via mediation, prayer, deep-breathing, reading, nature, mantras, etc.) and,

3. Remain planted [grounded] so that we can produce the fruit of love, joy, peace, blessing, well-being, transformation, etc.

Declare over yourself today...

"I AM like a tree planted by rivers of water! I bring forth fruit in my season. My leaf shall not wither. Whatever I do will prosper. The grace of God even makes my mistakes to work out for good. Amen."

~Jason Powell

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