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Prepare for the Good You Desire!

December 18, 2020

When we’re in seasons of waiting, it’s time to prepare ourselves for the good that we desire to experience.

In our society, we are very familiar with physical conditioning. There is some benefit to conditioning the body; but when you positively condition your mind and spirit, it impacts all areas.

"For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come." (1 Timothy 4:8)

Godliness does not simply entail keeping the ceremonial commandments of scripture, living in a monastery, taking a vow of poverty, or living a chaste life. These are examples of forms of godliness which may (or may not) deny the power thereof (2 Timothy 3:5).

Godliness is a spiritual reality, not a physical duty. True spiritual godliness is waking up to the image and likeness of God within you. Godliness has to do with the state of your mind and heart being merged with the Love of Spirit and the Goodness of Heaven. It’s why we condition ourselves, spiritually-speaking.

Condition yourself everyday for the good that you desire to be, do and have.

Prepare your mind and heart for the person you desire to become. Prepare your mind for the good that you desire to do on the earth. Prepare your heart for all that you desire to have and enjoy.

Whatever you internally prepare yourself for automatically draws the opportunity for its externalization in your life-experience.

Open your heart to the beauty of life today. Only when you're open hearted can you see God. (See Matthew 5:8.) Only when you're openhearted to life can you access the Lord - the Higher Mind of God in you!

All those who come to God must believe that God is and that God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek the realm of Spirit as Source (Hebrews 11:6).

This season let’s continue to prepare ourselves, and seek God - something good is on the way.

~Jason Powell

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