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Rejecting A Distorted Self Image with 1 Powerful Self Belief Quote

August 23, 2021

Is your self image holding you back from being, doing and having the good which you desire in life?

How we see ourselves determines how we show up in the world!

This is why we should not accept a distorted self image. Today, we’ll examine a powerful self belief quote from the Bible and see how effective it can be for our lives today! These words can help us to rid ourselves of a distorted self image so that we can be, do and have the good that we desire in life - and the good that Spirit wants for us! This is a form of metaphysical spirituality that shows us how to improve self image and even develop a powerful and positive self image. It may also teach you how to build self esteem and confidence, as well as how to have faith in yourself and the God who indwells you. 

You’ll find the full video on this topic here:

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Dr. David Yonggi Cho, founder of what has been named the largest church congregation in the world, with over 750,000 members, said in his book Unleashing the Power of Faith, “You must have an image of yourself as a ruler!”

Here’s a man who founded a church from nothing - came from extreme, gross poverty in South Korea; and through God working through him and others, birthed one of the largest congregations in the entire world. This is an example of the power of self-image at work.

A Bible Story

In Numbers 13, the Children of Israel are preparing to cross the Jordan River and enter their promised land; and they send out spies (or they send out people to do market research). They send out people to look and see what the state of the land is so that they can strategize and have a plan to take possession of what is theirs. 

There are certain people that are sent that represent each tribe, and it says here: 

“17 Then Moses sent them to spy out the land of Canaan, and said to them, “Go up this way into the South, and go up to the mountains, 18 and see what the land is like: whether the people who dwell in it are strong or weak, few or many; 19 whether the land they dwell in is good or bad; whether the cities they inhabit are like camps or strongholds; 20 whether the land is rich or poor; and whether there are forests there or not…" (Numbers 13:17-20 New King James Version)

We see here that Moses wants a detailed report of what the condition is in the land so that they can intelligently and strategically occupy it; they are planning to take possession of what is theirs in spirit, according to their understanding of what God has provided for them.

But, I want you to go to Numbers 13, verse 21: 

“So they went up and spied out the land from the Wilderness of Zin as far as Rehob, near the entrance of Hamath.”

26 Now they departed and came back to Moses and Aaron and all the congregation of the children of Israel in the Wilderness of Paran, at Kadesh; they brought back word to them and to all the congregation, and showed them the fruit of the land. 27 Then they told him, and said: “We went to the land where you sent us. It truly flows with milk and honey, and this is its fruit. 28 Nevertheless the people who dwell in the land are strong; the cities are fortified and very large; moreover we saw the descendants of Anak there. (Numbers 13:26-28 NKJV)

They brought back proof of what they had heard about the land that they were going to inhabit. The people are going in to possess something that God has already said is theirs. But, they are giving a report that is pretty much saying, “I don't think we can do this!”

30 Then Caleb quieted the people before Moses, and said, “Let us go up at once and take possession, for we are well able to overcome it.” 31 But the men who had gone up with him said, “We are not able to go up against the people, for they are stronger than we.” (Numbers 13:30-31 NKJV)

Caleb was a part of that team that was assigned to go in and give a report of the condition of the land. But Caleb was from the tribe of Judah. Now the tribe of Judah is a very special tribe in that the literal name Judah in Hebrew means "praise" or "the praise of the lord". Throughout the Bible there are Levites, musicians and priests that come from the tribe of Judah. Well Caleb comes from this tribe of Judah and Caleb gives a special report of the land! This is the same man that was with the others, but he doesn't give the same response that most of the others gave. Caleb gives a different report even though he saw the same thing; but, he didn't respond the same way. Caleb saw the same external reality that the other spies saw - that the other people conducting their research saw - but Caleb had a different internal image than the others. 

Could it be that the dominant populace, the dominant mass of the people, were carrying a distorted self-image? Yet Caleb - the one who came from the tribe of Judah - had an empowered, God-inspired self-image. The tribe of Judah is the same tribe that King David and King Solomon came from, and it’s also the same tribe that Jesus is reportedly a descendant of!  Could it be that because Caleb had a different self-image that was rooted in giving thanks and praise to God as Source that he had a root of a different self-image of what was possible for him and his people! 

How We Apply The Bible

I wonder what would happen if we approached our life from the standpoint of victory consciousness and going forward into life to lay claim of the things that God says is ours; and I’m not talking about taking other people's things because I do not believe that is a correct application of the text. That's where we have to be careful about how we apply the biblical text to the here and now. Certain things are meant as spiritual symbology - spiritual and psychological symbology. You know there's a metaphysical meaning that you can pull from Scripture that has a healthy application to your life in the here and now. 

Think about this for a moment: In the natural, what concept does this sound like? We hear things in our world today of people who go into other countries or go into other villages or areas and say "This is ours; we're going to occupy it!" Some have called it colonization; some have called it terrorism; and in different ways for different purposes, humans have moved across geographical areas and laid claim to spaces where someone else already lived. In the natural, this can be very problematic. 

What do you think about this? Comment below what your thoughts are when you hear that this God of the Bible is telling them to go in and possess a land that somebody else lives in; and I wonder have we ever thought how the other people receive it. 

At a higher level (an inner, esoteric level) there is a metaphysical spiritual truth communicated in and through this text that no matter who we are or what side of the railroad tracks we grew up on, or what side of the ocean we're from, there is spiritual good and natural good that belongs to you! We’ve got to make sure that fear, doubt and negative images of ourselves don't prevent us from experiencing the good that is ours.

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To hear the continuation of this story, watch the rest of this video as we further discuss how to reject distorted self images that seek to hold us back from the spiritual and natural good that belongs to us!


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