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Relationships & The Golden Rule

July 2, 2020

Relationships are a vehicle for social wholeness and well-being. How we cultivate the various relationships in our lives determines whether we live into these potentials of wellness, or accrue the opposite effects of misery. Many times we are placed in relationship circles that we didn't ask for, to our betterment or our detriment; while at other times we actively choose relationships, either wisely or unwisely. Either way, we all have to learn to make the best of it and navigate the journey to arriving at social wholeness and well-being.

Here are some questions to consider: In what ways do healthy human connections make your life better? Have you ever turned a frustrating relationship into a vehicle for wholeness? How can you offer value to others that not only improves their experience of life, but also broadens your own?  

Jesus gave us an all-inclusive spiritual model for how to cultivate social wholeness and well-being in our individual circles as well as our society-at-large. He simply said,

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" (Matthew 7:12).

In other words, treat people the way you want to be treated. It could also be further expounded this way:

Whatever you DON'T want done to you, don't do to someone else; and whatever you WANT done to you, DO on behalf of someone else.

On an inner/esoteric level, it can be stated this way:

Whatever you want done unto you, feel that it is done; and whatever you don't want to manifest in your experience, don't send out as a thought-feeling vibration to someone else. In essence, send out to others, in thought, word or deed, that which you want to come back to you!

Now, you can see from these layers, such an apparently simple "rule" can actually be a tricky principle to follow. This statement of Jesus has been labeled as The Golden Rule because if we conduct our inner and outer selves by this spiritual principle, we then possess the golden key to living life in the abundance and wholeness of Spirit.

But now, the doing of it is the crucial matter!

You might say, "Well, what if I feel wronged or mistreated? What if I have valid reasons for being less than kind or reacting with less than positive intentions toward another?"

Just remind yourself that what returns into your experience of life isn't based on the other, but it's really your own thought, word or deed concerning the other that determines your personal point of attraction in the future.

This is why whenever I'm tempted to veer off into criticism of another, I have to do the extra work of cleansing out my own heart and mind space, so that I don't build up negative energy concerning that situation or person, and thereby unintentionally create a negative spiral of thought, word and action within myself!

I still have to catch myself in this. Perhaps, this is something that we all must work on throughout our lives. But, the benefits of weeding out the garden of our own hearts and minds, will lead to more life-giving action in the world, and producing the fruit of social wholeness and well-being in our homes, communities and society.

Pray with Me:

"Spirit of Life, indwell and empower me to LIVE the Golden Rule more fully, this day! Amen!"

~Jason Powell

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