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April 21, 2019

It’s Easter! This is the time that we honor and celebrate Jesus Christ's resurrection after his crucifixion!  It is a time that marks newness and the emergence of a higher reality for our wellbeing.

There is so much goodness wrapped up in this season! Do we ever wonder if we are taking full advantage of the provisions given to us as a result of Jesus’ sacrifice? This season represents the moment in spiritual history that all the penalty for darkness, sin, oppression, sickness and death was siphoned into Christ's sacrificial death on the Cross! Jesus offered his body and blood as a ransom for the evil of all the ages, to open the pathway for Heaven's light to reach humanity, to break the power of spiritual darkness forever, and to secure our wholeness in God. Jesus took upon Himself everything that was contrary to humankind. Everything that led to our death and punishment was placed upon Him.

Yet, the power of the Cross is realized through the Resurrection! By faith in the living Christ-reality, the Divine Spirit that has gone before us and cleared the way in our defense to inherit Abundant Life, we can live lives of love, peace, victory, joy, blessing, healing, and wholeness.

Whatever tries to assault us, we can, by faith, claim our divine positioning in Christ, and apply the power of the Crucifixion and Cross-It-Out, and RISE to a new life! We do this in how we develop our own self-conceptualization in light of the Christ-reality, and how we respond to life: walking in love, visualizing the ideal, praying in the Spirit, interceding for others, speaking in faith, believing for the best, manifesting the good!

Now, I call that MASTERFUL living!

God has given us the tools to master life! Clothed in the consciousness of our Christ-reality, we are to be masters at life, instead of having life master us. Yet, the mastery of life is an inside job! It is what we think, say, deeply feel and believe that determines the path that we take. Mastering life is the process of experiencing complete wholeness in every area of life. Mastering life means that we are moving in the direction of joy, peace, and abundance in every area of our life.

Life is good! Life is grand! Life is wonderful and dynamic—if only we will see it as such. Our life is what it is because of our perspective. If we dwell on our past failures, problems, and disappointments, then we are making our life miserable. If we are being mastered by life situations, we dwell in a mental and spiritual state where things just don't seem to work in our favor. But if we will set our mind to a new perspective by seeing the beauty of the gift of life and counting each and every blessing, then we are literally leading a new life. That is exactly how we can make our life more meaningful and dynamic—by seeing life from a new vantage-point.

You see, the world is constantly giving negative suggestions of fear, loss, insufficiency, and destruction. But, we must deliberately reverse those influences with a double dose of more powerful, positive suggestions of life and abundance—being a true master of life. But, we can truly master life when we learn how to use the Master Tool, which is the Word of God. And on a deep, subjective level, the Word of God to our individual experience of life is what we believe and say about ourselves, within ourselves! Therefore, we must declare words of faith over our lives and future, and rise above any trial to consistently produce breakthroughs in our lives. We should decide the destination and the direction in which we will go. We have to navigate obstacles, realign our focus, and continue with the established direction, to be able to arrive safely at the chosen destination. God has put within EVERY individual the ability to be a master at life. God has put within every soul and mind an internal ability, a power that works in the affairs of humankind which can raise each one of us up on the wings of divine signs and wonders! We have the ability to function in a realm where we do not just merely exist, but we're supernaturally living blessed lives!

Hence, let’s celebrate Easter by learning to live in the fulness of these spiritual provisions! Let’s live into the fullness of the Christ-reality by leading a life whereby we become a channel and conduit of God’s blessings. And it is only then that we can make our life full, significant, and dynamic. There is hope and newness ahead! Happy Easter!



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