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The Courage To Continue

July 30, 2020
"And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not" (Galatians 6:9).

This encouraging passage from the New Testament is a reminder to persist in our sowing of good seeds. It's natural to feel like what you're doing isn't making a difference or that what you're working on isn't gaining any traction. Perhaps, we've all felt like what we desire to demonstrate doesn't seem to be moving into demonstration, despite our good intentions, effort and the passing of time.

However, such perspectives cannot be allowed to ultimately take root nor dominate our lives. When we chronically feel as if what we are doing isn't making any difference, it drains the lifeblood out of the good and productive intentions that we have, and the pathway to demonstration that we were on is short-circuited and cut-off from reaching its intended destination. That is not God's best for our soul's evolution and our personal development.

We are here to bring forth the latent glories and hidden splendors of our deeper minds/hearts, which contain our gifts, talents and treasures that have been divinely deposited within us. We journey through our earth experience so that we might build our spiritual awareness and manifest greater potential and beauty in the physical world. It's all a part of the cosmic plan for God expressing Godself in human form, and in creation.

Our freewill is intended to be a vehicle, or an instrument by which God can demonstrate Godself, willingly, through our lives. Mysteriously, our freewill is a connecting link to the divine! Knowing that, whenever we can willingly press beyond a zone of defeat or discouragement, we engage a spiritual force that enables us to "faint not".

Sometimes we just need to rest and refuel, and then continue on the journey. Sometimes, a great demonstration of courage is the decision to pause, rest, recenter, and continue on your course - learning from your mistakes and re-strategizing to meet your goal and reach your destination. You may find that in your courage to continue, you have the boost to press in to your "second-wind", which is that re-energizing factor that gives you a sudden turbo charge to run your race.

It's also worth noting that sometimes, your aims can change. That which no longer interests you or stirs passion in your heart, doesn't have to be a goal that you cling to, if it no longer resonates with your core values.

Giving yourself permission to change and evolve is a core tenet of happiness and well-being. Many times when we gain new knowledge, grow spiritually, or develop greater self-awareness, areas of our lives may shift or evolve in tandem with our personal growth. Giving yourself permission to become more than what you have been in the past is a gift of liberation that you give to yourself, and others in the world around you.

This, in and of itself, is an expression of the courage to continue becoming the highest expression of your God-given self-identity. Remember, when you have the courage to be and become who your Creator has endowed you with the gifting for being, you then emerge into a due season of reaping a glorious harvest of advancement, beauty and divine fulfillment.

May you not be weary in your journey of growth and expansion. May you live into the light of God's beauty seeking expression through you; and may you know that you are being developed into a divine masterpiece, even as you willingly choose to not give up on yourself, or life. Exercise the courage to continue! There is a prize ahead. Reach for it, and Reap your reward!

~Jason Powell

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