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The Gift of Life

June 25, 2020

Life is a precious gift.

It has been said that "Your life is God's gift to you. What you do with that life is your gift to the world."

It's not how we start off that ultimately counts, but instead, what is most significant is the direction in which we head, the adventure of the journey and where we end up in life. There are numerous stories of those born with high privileges who may not do much with their gift of life, while there are others who may start off with disadvantages who then use it as leverage to catapult into greatness.

Everyday we have the question of what meaning our lives will have and what purpose we will live in to.

Perhaps it's a higher purpose of peace and enlightenment; or maybe it's creating positive social change in your environment or the world; it could be the expression of your passion or skills in ways that bring you joy and bless the lives of others, or maybe it's solving a gross problem through concerted effort and commitment; or maybe it's leaving a legacy for future generations to live in to.

We're all given the gift of 24 hours in a day, with the opportunity to build a purposeful life.

In the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30), Jesus uses a story to show us that God, the Spirit-Source from which we proceed, is interested in our well-being and productivity as we align with the gifts we've been divinely given. The individuals who multiplied their gift (or talent) by cultivating it, growing it and using it were blessed with happiness, joy, fulfillment and increase. The one who did nothing with the gift was relegated to frustration, sadness, misery, insufficiency, depravity, and left with a void.

Sometimes when we're discouraged or hurt by life in some way, we coil up and withhold our gift. Taking what good you have to offer out of circulation only diminishes the light in you and the light in the world. On the other hand, sharing your gift (whatever light that may be) adds to the beauty and wholeness of the world.

God is interested in us using what we've been given and faithfully, systematically cultivating the treasures of our mind, heart, soul and body so that we can be a blessing to the world around us. Our skills, relationships, passions, interests can all be cultivated to move in the direction of producing greater beauty in the world.

What angers you? What excites you? What brings you peace? What solutions do you readily see to the problems you face? All of the answers to these questions, in whatever stage of life you're in, are signposts from Spirit to lead you along the path of manifesting your divine potential and multiplying the gift of life that is in you to produce greater wholeness in the world.

You may have a smile to share, a hug to give, a song to write, a deal to close, a person to serve, a life to improve, a message to deliver that will bless the world and also brighten your sense of purpose. Keep sharing. And remember...

"Let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not" (Galatians 6:9).

What are you doing with your gift of life?

~Jason Powell

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