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The Inner Realm of Power: How to Access It and Expand Your Possibilities (Part 1)

October 4, 2021

If you knew that all you had to do was become aware of something within yourself in order for your possibilities in life to drastically expand, would you take the time to develop this awareness? Today we're going to be talking about this special something within you. 

You’ll find the full video on this topic here:

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One of my absolute favorite passages of scripture in the Bible is found in the Gospel of Luke:

“Now when He was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, He answered them and said, “The kingdom of God does not come with observation;  nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.” (Luke 17:20-21 New King James Version)

I love this passage because it redirects our attention and our awareness; it steers us away from always thinking so futuristic or always thinking that our ability and our power to be and become is somewhere outside of ourselves. In this statement, Jesus draws the attention inward by declaring to his hearers, “the Kingdom of God is within you!” 

Kingdom = Realm

In seminary, we were taught to use an inclusive term that more fully represents the meaning of that word “Kingdom”, and it was the term “realm”. A realm is a territory or a space of operation. The Kingdom or the Realm of God is a territory or the space of operation that God operates in. But, this startling statement that says “the Kingdom [or the Realm] of God is within you” may cause us to juxtapose that against our current reality. Sometimes we might feel that oftentimes our current reality doesn't let us think that we possess this realm or Kingdom within that God reigns in. But, when we get a new perspective of the self, a new perspective of our identity based in what Jesus said, it can be life altering! We, then, face our challenges very differently when we understand that we possess something within. 

Now then, it becomes important to know how to operate in this Kingdom because this realm is a method of operation - it's a method of being, doing and functioning in earth's realm. It's an understanding that there is a realm, a dimension of operating and living and being that is unseen. It is in the inner realm of power that this Kingdom functions in (that this realm is operative in). The Kingdom of God or the Realm of God is parallel to our natural reality (the things that we can perceive naturally with the physical senses, like sound, sight, taste, touch and smell). All of these senses that we experience are what tie us to our external, natural realm of living. Yet, we can come to the realization that there is a parallel reality to the seen world, which is an unseen world.  

The Kingdom or Realm of God is the highest authority in the unseen realm. We can see that in this Scripture which says,

“God's Kingdom rules over all” (Psalm 103:19). 

When we understand that in the unseen realm the highest authority is the Kingdom of God, then we realize that it becomes something that is located within that has principles by which we can operate. This helps us to produce more good in the earth around us, surmount our challenges and surmount our obstacles. We have the ability to learn more about these things and develop ourselves in them. Truth be told, that's a part of our purpose for being here in these bodies for the time that we have. We are here to develop our soul's purpose - to develop that intention within us that was sent to us from heaven when we came here, so that we might continue on our path of soul evolution and become the highest version of ourselves that we can be. That's why I love these words of Jesus because it awakens within us something special. 

The Yoga of Jesus

There's a special book that I read a few years ago called “The Yoga of Jesus.” If you're into yoga or stuff like that (or even if you're not) you might find some fresh air by reading this text. These were excerpts from the writings of Paramahansa Yogananda, who was a yoga guru in the past and came from India to the Americas and began to teach different people rituals of yoga. But, what I particularly like in this is not even so much the practice of yoga as much as it is the understanding of the principles of Jesus, which reflect the essence of what it means to connect with the divine. It helps us to unearth within ourselves the realization of the Kingdom within. When I would read this book, I would highlight it and I would underline it. I would just get to the point of tears sometimes because it would bring such a realization of the Realm of God to a present realization, to a present awareness. When we have a present awareness of God, it stirs up something within us that causes us to see that there is nothing in the external that can be greater than the Realm of God within us.

Click to access “The Yoga of Jesus” on Paperback and Kindle Ebook. (As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.)

When we understand that the base from which we operate in power has to begin with a realization that the Kingdom or the Realm of God is within us, then we can build from there. We start off with an approach to spirituality with the introduction of the realization that there is a realm, a Kingdom within us! Then we begin to ask questions of how to unearth the potentials of that Kingdom - how to gain the operation of that Kingdom in our lives so that we can produce good in the world, manifest our desires and overcome our challenges. We are then empowered to produce good, not only for ourselves, but also in the lives of others. 

The Alpha and Omega of Spirituality

This basic realization is like the beginning and the end of spirituality; it’s like the alpha and the omega; it's a starting point, and a growth point that you can never get to the end of. It's the eternal space of spirituality: the Kingdom of God is within you! 

We can live a lifetime and probably never access the full depth of that; and yet, we see throughout history that some people are able to access the depth of that reality in greater ways than maybe others. But, I believe that it is a part of our purpose for being here to discover what this Kingdom contains - and that's what we do in these teachings. 

We're going to be unearthing what the Kingdom or the Realm of God within us contains and how to navigate it, including how to use the principles to manifest. Remember, you have a realm within you that rules over all! Say, “I've got a realm within me that rules over all.” Say it again: “I've got a realm within me that rules over all!” This changes how you see yourself, and how you see yourself determines how you show up in the world. 

When you see yourself as one that possesses a realm within you that rules over all then anything that happens on the outside of you must bow to the inner realm of the Kingdom of God at work within you! 

Images, Words & Desires

So, the next time you face a challenge or the next time you face opposition remember you've got a Kingdom within you and this Kingdom operates by images and words! What did I say? This Kingdom operates by images and words; and these images and these words have a feeling-nature associated with them. So, when you speak anointed, heaven-filled words (both subjectively within yourself and audibly) it has an effect on your life. 

When you conjure images that reflect the good that you desire to bring forth, it has a shaping power in the external world that can cause your life to align up with more of what you want and less of what you don't, in order to produce the Kingdom realm of God in the earth.

God wants your desires to be fulfilled. What did Jesus say in Mark 11:24 say? “...what things soever you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you shall have them”. This is why I love to concentrate on the words of Jesus, particularly as it relates to our empowerment in life, here and now, because it's also connected to our soul’s evolution, the reason why we're here and what we're here to bring forth. 

You're not here by accident. You're here to discover who you are. You're here to grow; you're here to become and you're here to develop. There are good things that you've been sent to the earth to produce. There are good things that you've been sent to the earth to work out. 

To hear the continuation of this thought process, watch the whole video.

Remember, you’ve got a realm within you that rules over all.


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