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The INNER REALM of Power: How to Access It and Expand Your Possibilities (Part 2)

October 14, 2021

(Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to JasonPowell.Fatith on YouTube, where we intentionally raise our consciousness to manifest more heaven on earth. It’s free and it helps to make sure you don’t miss the latest video.)

God wants your desires to be fulfilled!  What did Jesus say in Mark 11? 

“Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.” (Mark 11:24 New King James Version)

This is the same Jesus talking who said,  “the Kingdom of God is within you!” (Luke 17:21). This is why I love to concentrate on the words of Jesus, particularly as they relate to our empowerment in life here and now. This is all connected to our soul’s evolution and the reason why we're here, including what we're here to bring forth. 

You are not here by accident! You are here to discover who you are; you're here to grow; you're here to become and you're here to develop.  There are good things that you've been sent to the earth to produce! There are good things that you've been sent to the earth to work out! 

There's a passage of Scripture that says we're here to “work out our [soul’s] salvation”. (See Philippians 2:12).  Now, that doesn't always just mean you're here to see if you're going to go to heaven or not when you die. It's broader than that. It’s a direct message to us that we are here to work out the soul’s (the mind, the will and the emotions) “salvation”, which means deliverance unto good or wholeness (spirit, soul, body, etc.) into the life that we live here and now.  

From this place of understanding the inner realm of God working in you, you begin to speak words that agree with Heaven's words. You begin to conjure images that agree with victorious, heavenly images. This might appear to be in direct contrast to what might be occurring in the natural world but you lay those heavenly words and images on top of it (through affirmations, prayers, visualizations, declarations, subjective meditations, etc.) All of these things work to merge our souls with the operation of the inner realm of the kingdom of God within us. 

In Paramahansa Yogananda’s the “Yoga of Jesus”, we see that...

“Yogananda strips away the divisiveness and dogmatic approach that have accumulated around Jesus' teachings and affirms that it is possible for every individual, regardless of one's faith tradition, to have the same relationship that Jesus had with the divine.” 

Click to access “The Yoga of Jesus” on Paperback and Kindle Ebook. (As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.)

That kind of assertion makes some folks mad because it makes them think you're trying to put yourself on the level of Jesus. Instead, it’s taking Jesus at his Word and aiming to live into the fullness of what God says is in us; and not being lazy about it, but deciding to grow and become what God says we can be. You see, awakening to the truth of our being unearths a certain progression in our thinking and in our pursuit of God. It causes us to realize that the spiritual world is not so detached from the natural one.  

This same text also highlights the revelation that...

“Truth is meant for the blessing and upliftment of the entire human race. As the Christ Consciousness is universal, so does Jesus Christ belong to all.” 

The whole realization here is that there's something within us that we've got to be on a journey of discovering, applying, processing, training and developing for manifesting the good! 

What do you think about this? What do you think when you hear that there's an inner realm within you? I want you to comment below and tell me what comes to your mind when you hear that there's an inner kingdom within you - that there are divine potentials within you where God dwells, that you can learn to operate. What do you think about when you hear that? How does it affect you? What hopes does it inspire within you? What fears does it unearth as well? Does it challenge you in some way? Does it cause hope and expectation to rise up within you? Do you feel a sense of responsibility? Do you feel like it’s not true? Feel free to share. 

What do you desire?

Jesus said, “what things so ever you desire, when you pray…” 

Now, that word pray has to do with a function of spiritual energy, because this is all a part of prayer. Everything we're talking about has to do with prayer, in one of its many forms. Things that you repeat over to yourself habitually are prayers. Things that you meditate on, even those things that you worry about incessantly, are prayers. So we've got to be mindful of what we're always praying for. We're always praying for something, whether we realize it or not. There’s a passage that says “pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Well, you know what? We are always praying without ceasing. 

Prayer is that meditation of the soul upon a certain thought, image or idea repetitively until it seeps down into the subconscious mind, where it then discharges in action, experience, events and circumstances!

So, we've got to be mindful of what we're constantly meditating on. “Behold, the kingdom [or the realm] of God is within you!” Sit with that for a moment. There's something special within you. In fact, I just want you to declare: “I now realize that there is an inner realm within me where God dwells. I now awaken to this new reality and I ask for revelation in its operation right now.” 

Declare: “I am realizing that there is a greater realm within me - the realm of God - that rules over all. Therefore, I approach my life and my life-situations from a new perspective. I approach my life and life-situations from the perspective of containing an inner realm that rules over all. Therefore, my challenges and my obstacles do not have the final say; the realm of God in me has the final say! The Spirit of God leads me to the right words, the right images, and the right feelings to conjure that will help to manifest more heaven on earth.” 

Right now, we replace negative images with the image of goodness. As you go forward, may there be peace and protection that washes your path. May a light cover you as you go forward. May a light surround you as you go forward. May you go forward protected.  Just as the mouths of lions were shut in Daniel's situation in the Old Testament when he was thrown into the lion’s den, may you go forward and anything contrary to you be silenced. May any gnashing, gnarling teeth be closed and may there be a heavenly light that goes around you as you go forward in peace, strength and beauty, because the realm of God in you rules over all. 

The awareness of it awakens it! Did you hear me? The awareness of God-in-you awakens God-in-you! What you're aware of becomes awakened in your vibration! When you awaken within yourself the knowledge of the kingdom of God in you, then you become more in tune with that inner realm and things have the ability of working out in your favor. This happens because you are merging with the ultimate realm of Good that rules over all. But, this realm must be activated; this realm must be activated by faith and awareness which draws it into the external world of manifestation. 

Remember the kingdom of God is a parallel reality to the here and now; it dwells within you and it also transcends you. It is activated through faith and awareness. So, we mix these things together and our words, images, thoughts and feelings begin to merge with Heaven's words, images, thoughts and feelings - which we then release over and above what we face in the world around us!  When we do this, there is a shift that occurs. Sometimes it's a quick shift; sometimes it's a shift through stages and a time-progression. But, regardless, there's a shift; and when it happens within you, the tone of your life begins to change. Situations and people cannot control you any longer because there's an image of God at work within you and God's kingdom rules over all. 

Declare:  “What's going to rule over all in my life is peace! What's going to rule over all in my life is well-being! What's going to rule over all in my life is love! What's going to rule over all in my life is protection and wholeness!”

There's a scripture that says, "the word of a king is authority and power!" (See Ecclesiastes 8:4 Amplified.)

This is your authority in the spirit. When you awaken to who you are, these declarations become a part of operating in the kingdom realm of God.

Say it: “What's going to rule over my life is well-being! What's going to rule over my life is wholeness!” Declare it in the face of whatever you might be facing right now because this is the operation of the kingdom or the realm of God within you. It requires your agreement; it requires your activation! 

When you're responding to what's going on around you, let what comes out of you be a function of the realm of God. Don't lie over like a dead insect when things don't go your way. Remember, you've got an inner realm that you can activate; it's in the unseen, but it'll manifest in the seen. It will manifest because faith is that which transacts heavenly business from the unseen realm into the natural realm.

Again, sometimes it's through a process that is drawn out over a long period of time and at other times it can be instantaneous; and sometimes it's somewhere in between. But, whether it takes a while or whether it's instantaneous, there is a process of development to where you become more aware of who you are and you live life in a way that is empowered. You can navigate an unseen realm where there is energy, power and solutions that are imperceptible to the senses. 

To know these truths is to rehearse these truths until they seep down into the subconscious. You can hear something one time but when you hear it over and over again it reconfigures you. Once you get into repetition then these things begin to have a way to work in our experience of life. We're all on a journey of progression. So, part of our development and soul growth is rehearsing these truths until we begin to merge with them. We're going to continue talking about these things in the days ahead; that's how we learn to deal with these spiritual matters and work them into the fabric of our being.

If this is a blessing to you, feel free to share it as you're led. If it blesses you, it'll probably bless somebody else. 

Much love to you. 


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