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Time To Refocus! Why? So We Can Run the Race with Endurance

December 15, 2023

What have the ancient texts and Holy Scriptures been trying to communicate to humanity for thousands of years? 

  • Our consciousness has power - especially when cultivated!

  • Your attention has power - especially your focused attention

  • Whatever you pay attention to pays you - in some way, shape or form.

That’s why the easiest way to stop you from achieving your God-given purposes is to entertain distractions.  

A distraction is anything that steers your energy away from the good that you desire to be, do, have and manifest in life. Sometimes distractions can be subtle. However, once we recognize subtle distractions that have infiltrated the ranks, we can receive the grace to refocus!

Yes, when we refocus (or focus again), we step into a world of new realities and new possibilities. This makes life exciting and adventurous! Application of this insight also allows us to move in the world wisely and safely.

Why is our focus so important?

Our focus is important because we are God-carriers. If we are God-carriers, that means we are made in the image and likeness of the Divine - And the Divine God is the greatest unseen power!

What about US is divine?

At root level, our awareness, our consciousness, and our spirit make us divine. And yet the mystery is that this divine essence lies dormant and asleep without intentional/functional use until we begin to renew our minds to who we are in God and who God is in us.

Yes, our consciousness has power to reproduce itself in events and circumstances.

Again, why is our focus so important?

Our consciousness can transform the contents of our attention into tangible thought-forms that match the beliefs of our hearts/minds, giving birth to outer reality! Isn’t that astounding (whether you’re hearing it for the first time or the millionth)? This is what the ancient texts and Holy Scriptures have tried to communicate to us for thousands of years!

Therefore, that which we give our dominant attention toward is creative to the extent that it matches our beliefs about life, self, God and/or others. 

“As a man (a mind) thinks in his heart, so is he” & “according to your faith, be it unto you.”

Watch and listen to this video “Refocus Your Faith: How To Run the Race with Endurance” and use it as a tool to renew your mind.


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