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True Success Is...

March 13, 2021

"True success is achieving YOUR goal - not one set by someone else." (Bill Bartmann)

When you’re traveling a path in the park that you’ve never been on before, there’s a feeling of adventure and newness as you await new discoveries and perceive new realities. Similarly, our lives that we journey in these physical bodies, occupying our space-time environment, are adventurous and new! Your individual expression of life has never before been lived by any other. Out of the many billions of lives that have occupied the earth (past, present and future), you have a totally unique perspective on life.

Therefore, it is good to be guided by the Spirit as you seek to live out your experience of life in a way that brings personal fulfillment, beauty to others and glory to God!

Before launching out into the day, it is good to remind ourselves that we are entrusted into the care of the Spirit of God and ask for divine presence and direction as we go about our living. Then, from this place of centeredness, recognizing who we are and whose we are (beloved children of God), we pursue destiny as we travel our journey. I believe this alignment with Spirit as well as moving with purpose are two powerful keys to success in mind and affairs in one’s life.

Reaching a desired goal, that you've persistently strived for, is a great feeling. I like having goals. I also like giving myself permission to adjust and clarify my goals as I progress in the journey and become more in tune with self and Spirit. I learn more and more that the JOURNEY (or the process) is just as important as the destination. Who we become in the process of pursuing an aim or a vision is what is significant!

“...and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith…” (Hebrews 12:1-2 NRSV)

The Spirit of Christ has prepared a path before you that is uniquely your own, and the faith that you use in traveling your path has a great reward associated with it.

“Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward” (Hebrews 10:35 NKJV)

Remember, run the race that is set before YOU. Live life. Savor the various stages. Travel YOUR journey. Grow and expand. Something good is happening.

~Jason Powell

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