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Waiting with Expectation

April 30, 2020

"I want it now.  Why do I have to wait?"

That seems to be the unspoken (and sometimes spoken) demand that pervades our culture today. Oftentimes, we don't like to wait for things, especially things we really want: to be next in line, arrival at a destination, a vacation, a meal, a package in the mail, retirement, etc. The list can be endless.

I remember being a young child of about 10 years old and imagining what it would be like to be a father. I also remember, about 14 years later when the first of my two children were conceived and born.

Prior to their conception, there were medical reasons that suggested that their mother and I may not ever have biological children. I recall sensing an unusually strong thought-response within myself that said, "You WILL have children!" I understand that to have been the Voice of Spirit.

After sensing that, I made it a habit to regularly and intentionally travel in imagination (or in spirit) to the space where I was enjoying the arrival of a new baby that belonged to me.

3 years later, it happened: our son was born! (And we had a daughter, about 3.5 years after that!)

What was going on within me in the time-span between the launching of desire and its fulfillment?  A state of confident expectation and a redirecting of myself back to that Word -"You WILL have children!" - whenever discouragement tried to creep in.

Christian mystic, Neville Goddard said, "Confident expectation of a state is the most potent means of bringing it about."

When time passes, it's easy to start doubting that what you've prayed for will come to pass, and this can work against the activity of our faith. But, you can be prepared for this and armed with this knowledge ahead of time, "so that you may not become sluggish, but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises" (Hebrews 6:12).

Faith involves expectation and patience involves waiting with confident resolve.

In consciousness, if we can enjoy the fulfillment of that which we desire, before it arrives on the physical plane, then we can shorten our sense of the length of the time-span utilized for its materialization.

In other words, when you can awaken in yourself the feeling of already enjoying your fulfilled desire, and become mentally preoccupied with that state of fulfillment, then what you are waiting for can pleasantly surprise you by appearing on your pathway at the right time, in the right way, in divine order and with divine synchronicity!

This explains why it is sometimes necessary to wait. When you can maintain confident expectation throughout a season of waiting, it develops your character and proves the authenticity of the treasure you carry.

I remember 4 years ago when I was first living into the truth of my orientation in the LGBT community as a same-gender attracted man. I went through a divorce and I experienced great emotional pressure, wondering how things were going to turn out and feeling frowned upon by some who may have highly regarded me in the past. This was another opportunity to exercise my spiritual treasure. I focused on the reality that what was happening was directly in line with the soul-evolution of my ex-wife and myself, and I saw that it coalesced with both of our states of highest well-being! Subsequently, great wonders happened and are still happening!

We all carry divine treasure, but in order for it to be brought forth, we often have to endure challenging times.

Just like the diamond, in order to be revealed, must first undergo extreme heat and pressure as a carbon formation, so it is with the spiritual treasure that we carry as humans. The brightness and radiance of our inner treasure often requires the pressures of life to prove its authenticity!

It's through faith and patience, waiting with expectation, that we inherit the good that is divinely destined for us! We might not like the challenges or the journey before us sometimes, but it's worth the realization of the glorious promise and treasure that is assigned along our pathway.

Today, I encourage you to believe in the Good that is assigned to your life, and be committed to walk your journey with faith and patience, stirring up confidence to wait with expectation! Great good is coming!

~Jason Powell

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