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Divine Ability: We Can Access it with 3 Keys of Understanding

February 10, 2022

“I’m in the middle of a rock and a hard place! How am I going to GET OUT OF THIS!?”

Can you think of moments when you felt this way? What did you do? Did you struggle and strain in the natural world or did you go to the unseen realm of cause and shift there? Did you even know that was an option?

Challenges are meant to develop our use of unseen potentials that we possess. Herein lies the power of our access to divine ability!

There are LEVELS of divine ability that we have access to at various stages of our spiritual growth and development. 

Yes, I acknowledge that I have NOT reached the zenith or height of my development in the use of my divine abilities. It is an ongoing process of growth. However, the impactful stories of how I’ve repeatedly manifested new states of freedom in my own life are undeniable!

So, how do we access divine ability?

One of my favorite Wisdom Texts emphasizes the importance of getting understanding:  

“Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding.” 

(Proverbs 4:7 - New King James Version)

With this realization, let’s base our discussion from this foundation:

Our access to divine ability is granted at the level of our understanding - specifically, SPIRITUAL understanding!

(One topic that people need greater understanding on is the matter of LGBTQ inclusion and affirmation. To learn more, get my FREE (PDF) guide.)

Now, let’s access greater understanding on this topic of divine ability, with the mystical words of this text:

“as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue” 

(2 Peter 1:3 New King James Version)

Now, what is divine power? Divine power IS divine ability!

So, I’d like to discuss 3 keys of understanding that help us to access divine ability in our lives. With a mystical approach, we’ll enter through the bold words I’ve highlighted in the above Bible text, starting from the end: “godliness”, “life” & “all things”.

Key #1:

“Godliness” = God-likeness = Understanding Your OWN Divine Identity and Living from a Realm of Spiritual Ability

In the broader understanding of spiritual reality, “godliness” is not an exclusive, external code of conduct; it is an INNER KNOWING of your divine identity! It is God-likeness! Genesis 1 gives a glimpse into our spiritual origins when it states that humanity was made in the image and likeness OF GOD!  Ask yourself: Who am I? (Check out this article I wrote: “Who Are You?”) 

Our movement in life with the awareness of being the offspring of the Divine, is a POWERFUL progressive understanding to develop! 

This understanding unlocks our ability to merge with the active, overarching influence of the  Spirit of God - in the affairs of our everyday living. In other words, KNOWING WHO WE ARE exercises a favorable influence on the unfolding experiences and events we encounter! 

Things have a way of WORKING in your favor when you move through life KNOWING WHO YOU ARE. THAT is godliness!

Key #2: 

“Life” = The Expression of Consciousness (Metaphysically Speaking)

What is Life? The mystic sees life as an expression or an extension of thought and feeling vibrations that exist in the “unseen realm” (also known as consciousness).

The lives that we live proceed from an unseen state! All of our lived experiences in the natural world (conditions, events, and circumstances) are born out of the unseen world of the Mind & Spirit. 

This spiritual understanding is expressed in the operation of metaphysical spirituality. (For more insight on this topic, see my article, “What Is Metaphysical Spirituality and Why Should It Matter To You?)

Key #3: 

“All Things” = The Essence of All-That-Is 

The writer of Hebrews put it like this: 

“Now faith is the SUBSTANCE of things hoped for; the evidence of things not seen.” 

(Hebrews 11:1)

In other words, the substance for all things is found in faith. And as Christian mystic Neville Goddard said, “Faith is loyalty to the unseen reality”.  To further clarify, this same spiritual teacher emphasized repeatedly that “Consciousness is the one and only reality!” 

Your understanding of your connection to your spiritual Source is the divine ability that opens the door for you to access all things (the Essence of All-That-Is, which is Consciousness, which is God). 

Therefore, spiritually speaking, when you live a life based on these understandings, then you have access to “all things” that you need for a life of purpose and impact and influence. 

Now, as I pointed to in the beginning...

We must be progressively developed in these understandings in order to reap the benefits at various levels!

But, this is why we take the time to read materials, watch associated videos and consume inspiring content like this! It helps us to DEVELOP.

I’m glad we’re on the journey together. We have access to divine ability; and with our use of these keys, we unlock access to greater realms of potential.  

Let’s decide to grow in our use of these spiritual keys of understanding! May greater revelation and insight wash your path as you move forward in life!


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