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What Is Metaphysical Spirituality and Why Should It Matter To You?

August 27, 2021

What purpose does metaphysical spirituality hold in our lives? How does the metaphysical have anything to do with our present lives in the here and now? We discuss the impact of the unseen inner realm upon the natural realm in this article. The metaphysical could be the missing link that will help you and I manifest more of what we desire in life and less of what we don't.  

You’ll find the full video on this topic here:

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Metaphysical spirituality is the essence of unearthing within us divine capabilities that are inherent and residing within us and working through a process of discovering who we truly are. This is the essence of the Christ Mind and the Christ Consciousness at work within us as we awaken to the truth of our being. I particularly like this definition of metaphysical: "of or relating to the transcendent or to a reality beyond what is perceptible to the senses." 

Metaphysical spirituality is the very essence of our ability to connect with the divine - that which is unseen - to cause our being, our spiritual being, to unite with the power of the unseen world. 

The unseen world is greater than that which we can see. Even scientists agree that there is way more in dark matter or places that cannot be perceived by the natural senses than that which can be perceived; and so we know from science and from spiritual truth that the unseen world is even greater than the natural world. Metaphysical spirituality is our function in the realm of the unseen to merge our souls, minds, hearts, bodies and beings in the natural world with the unseen world so that we can have more holistic living in the here and now. 

There can't be any holistic living in the here and now if we neglect the unseen world. Holistic living in the here and now involves an understanding of the unseen world and metaphysical spirituality is an approach to life that causes us to be more merged with the happenings in the unseen world so that our life in the here and now can take on more holistic forms of living - living that will produce more of what we want, less of what we don't and/or spirituality that produces in us a state of being that is whole and moves in the direction of wholeness, independent of world conditions (or independent of what is going on in the natural). This functions as a layer superseding that which occurs in the natural world around us. So, metaphysical spirituality is that which is above the natural and that which is a perceptive awareness of transcendent ability in the realm of Spirit, above and beyond the natural which can impact and influence the natural world. 

By the way, this is one of my own personal favorite books in the PRACTICE of metaphysical spirituality: “Awakened Imagination” by Neville Goddard.




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Metaphysical spirituality is about getting to root causes - getting to root causes of events and conditions of the mind and the body and the heart and the soul and dealing in the realm of root causes so that we can create more of the life that we want and less of what we don't want. It's a means of manifesting heaven on earth, because when we deal in the realms of metaphysical spirituality we are dealing in the realms of causation. 

What is metaphysical spirituality and what is its application to our life in the here and now? It has everything to do with transcending the temporal and touching the eternal so that the eternal realm of good can influence the temporal realm in the here and now. Now we also understand that in the eternal realm there's not only good; there's also other things that we might describe as bad. But guess what? It's understanding how to navigate the unseen world so that we can better navigate the seen world. 

When we learn how to navigate the unseen world, then we can better navigate the seen world. So, when we understand that the root causes of all that is in the natural world come from an unseen Source, we are able to tap that Source and navigate life in a way that functions from an inner anchoring. The inner anchoring is above the natural world and above the natural confines of our present predicaments and we then transcend them and go to the realm of Spirit where the realm of causation is constantly in a state of activity. When we merge ourselves with this state of activity then the natural world no longer controls us and we become anchored in the realm of Spirit which makes us show up more centered and stronger in the world around us. 

What do you think about that? I want you to write in the comments if you have a thought or a question that comes to your mind as you're hearing all of this. How does it affect you? What does it evoke within you? 

To hear the continuation of this thought process, watch the rest of the video.

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