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What's Your Assignment?

November 12, 2020

As I write this message, it’s raining outside. Rain and various forms of precipitation certainly have their benefits. We need the rain for growth, development of the earth’s resources, and sustenance for human, animal and plant life-forms.

Yet, the rainfall may sometimes feel dreary. For some, the weather may even affect their mood. At its worst, the rain can turn harmful with hurricanes, floods, etc. Yet, in its optimal function, the rain is a blessing, and helps us to live and thrive.

In what ways do your own blessings carry with them some aspect of challenge? For example, my beautiful kids are a great blessing, as well as a challenge to my patience. I say it humorously, but it’s true. Patience is one virtue that Spirit obviously wanted me to further develop via parenthood. Well, let me tell you, the patience muscle is daily exercised through the blessing of my kids. It’s not always fun, but there is a reward associated with the process - a gift that keeps on giving.

How do you cultivate the blessings that God sends your way? After you get it, do you tend it like a garden, or take the easier route and let it grow wild? Which brings more long-term enjoyment? What happens if things don’t turn out well, and as with a hurricane, destruction ensues? Do you give up altogether, or take the fragments and rebuild?

In Scripture, we’re given a symbol of what to do with the joys and challenges of our blessings in life. The Genesis creation story carries a symbolic application for our present-day well-being.

“And the Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to tend and guard and keep it” (Genesis 2:15 AMP)

“Tend it and keep it!”  It’s a part of the human assignment while being here on the earth. We all have a Garden of Eden that is uniquely our own. Perhaps yours is a garden of creativity or envisioning new realties to bring forth for the world; or maybe your garden is caring for aged parents or managing that which is under your care; perhaps your assignment in life (or garden) is in exploring new frontiers and opening pathways for others as a pioneer in your industry; or maybe it’s humbly serving in your little corner of the world and finding contentment and peace in doing so.

Where’s your garden? What’s your divine assignment? That which you have strong feelings about or are naturally skilled for, or have developed a passion for, are oftentimes signposts from Spirit about your especially blessed path that Spirit  invites you to journey upon; these various optional paths are opportunities that we may dwell in, which carry their own challenges. We are all given freewill and that is why I say they are optional paths - they require some level of consent on our part.

Today, be encouraged. Make a decision to live out your life with a sense of assignment, and a perseverance that sees its way through challenges to the finish line of victory.

~Jason Powell

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