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Who Will Stand In The Gap?

July 16, 2020

Did you know that you can make a positive difference in the world? “Who me?!”, you may ask. Yes, YOU!

Ezekiel, a prophet during the Babylonian exile (from 593 B.C. – 571 B.C.), attempts to explain this truth, through his lens, from God’s perspective. Apparently, God was looking for a human agent to be the connecting link between the realm of earthly misery and the realm of heavenly wholeness! Not wanting to see destruction come to the people through their own negative energy they released in the world (via hate, murder, cheating, bribery, greed, oppression, etc.), we see God’s viewpoint through Ezekiel’s communication:

“And I sought for anyone among them who would repair the wall and stand in the gap before me on behalf of the land, so that I would not destroy it; but I found no one” (Ezekiel 22:30).

Isn’t that wild? A human (or humans) to connect with God and “stand in the gap” would have been able to prevent a certain level of calamity or destruction that was happening in the society!

What does it mean to stand in the gap? It means to be a solution to an area of insufficient coverage! Perhaps a person or group needs to be covered spiritually, mentally, socially, financially, etc., for the betterment of the whole. The one providing that solution would be standing in the gap. With a similar understanding, in this context, “repair the wall” is symbolic for restoring the connection between humanity and heavenly well-being!

Has anyone ever stood in the gap for you before?

My grandparents stood in the gap for my brother and I, when we were kids.  Since mom was an active public school teacher who sometimes had to stay late, and Dad was a pharmaceutical executive who often travelled all over the country, we oftentimes needed supervision after school. So, my maternal grandparents, who lived just a few short miles down the street from us in Chesapeake, VA, would act as guardian for several hours every day after school. As soon as we got off the bus, they were right there in one of their Oldsmobiles, ready to pick us up. (This was back in the 1990s when they still made those cars.)

Grandma would make dinner, Pop Pop would check our homework, and then I’d review my piano lessons with Grandma, while Pop Pop worked on a crossword puzzle or reviewed sports stats with my brother; and they’d just pour their love and discipline on us, day after day, like only grandparents can! That covering met a specific need in our lives, and was critical to our safety, staying out of trouble, staying on our homework, and developing our creativity, at a critical time.

You may be able to think of someone who was there for you at a critical time in your journey; or maybe you have been that special person who was instrumental in the success of someone else’s journey.

The fact of the matter is that we’re all connected! What impacts one, directly or indirectly impacts all, at various levels.

The “butterfly effect” symbolizes that even a butterfly flapping its wings impacts some unseen wave in the ecosystem or the ether; this can then have an imperceptible ripple effect, influencing an event or outcome on the other side of the globe!

Even an arrangement of upright dominoes shows us that when one domino is impacted, the ripple effect causes the other dominoes to shift their position. As humans, we are all interconnected and when we “stand in the gap” by making a positive impact, there can be a ripple effect of good in the world. (Sadly, the opposite can also be true.)

So how will you stand in the gap?

One person can’t do everything, but everybody can do something!

Your praying supports her activism, which supports his lobbying, supporting their legislation, which aids our research, which impacts your funding, which supports her charity, etc. - in a never-ending cycle of impact!

Will you stand in the gap and make your positive impact?

~Jason Powell

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