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You Can Do This!

September 10, 2020

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13)

Sometimes we all need a little more pep in our step, or some added stamina for the journey ahead. Whenever we need this boost, it’s important to show ourselves some grace while also having the right internal dialogue. Saying the right things to yourself that give you support can help to aid your journey through life.

What others say to us can have an effect on us – their words have the potential of shaping our self-image, being fuel to our fire or quenching it. However, what ultimately determines our outlook and direction are our own words we are saying to ourselves, within ourselves, about ourselves and others.  

I find this thought to be a healthy outlook on life: What I think and feel about others is more important, before God and self, than what they may think about me. It’s my responsibility to love others, friend and foe alike. In our own strength, this is not easy; but with God, we CAN.

That is one reason that this passage is one of my favorite statements of affirmation found in the Bible: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!

We all want to be liked, but that is not something we can control. We can, however, control how we respond to others.  It’s good to remind ourselves that we have a spiritual duty to offer our best demonstration of love and intend well-being for others, to the best of our ability, aided by the Spirit. We are not perfect, but when we strive to keep ourselves in right-standing with God and self, outer situations can reconfigure themselves to bring about restored harmony.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Christ’s strength in me enables me to love, when I open myself to it.

Not only as it relates to others, but particularly as it relates to self, Christ’s strength in us helps us to keep going and not lose heart or give up. Just like a car needs gas to advance to its destination, so do our souls need to feed on these words to move in the direction of love, blessing and total well-being. Realigning ourselves with this affirmation and pumping these words into the vehicle of our soul-energy, can transport us into manifesting new realities of beauty and well-being.

I CAN do all things through Christ who strengthens me. In other words, anything I need to do to manifest God’s blessing and wholeness in and through my life, I can do it! I can learn it! I can learn from it! I can overcome it! I can grow. I can develop. I can become. I can become better. I can get stronger. I can become more loving, more forgiving. I can achieve it. I can do this. Nothing is impossible. With God, I can!

I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS ME. (Emphasize a different word each time you say this affirmation and see how it affects you.)

Let this affirmation settle down in your subconscious depths. Let it comfort you and gently nudge you forward into more beauty, more grace, more glory, and more purpose. Allow it to be a companion phrase as you go on your way, leading you forward, holding your hand onward, and reminding you to let the light of God shine through.

You can do this. Yes, you can.

~Jason Powell

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